Welcome to Urban Debris

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog!

This blog serves as a forum for me to be silly, impolite, politically incorrect, and express my thoughts and frustrations.
The content of this page is not intended to insult, anger, instigate, or otherwise irritate anyone.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy my posts.

Monday, December 5, 2011

mugging gone wrong

Check out this news story...
Serves this ghetto thug right!
You got yo ass BEAT!

mugging gone wrong

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Effects of gay parents

This is a GREAT video!
This young man makes a fantastic statement to the Iowa legislature...
I was raised by gay parents, and I'm a better person because of it...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ad for gay marriage

The commercial above is from the Get Up! group in Australia.
It is a beautiful ad for marriage equality...yes, it made me a little teary!

Read the full story here:
Beautiful ad for marriage equality 

I agree with one of the comments made on the video...they should play this, exactly as it is, during the Super Bowl.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Senator aids bigots in El Salvador

I was born and raised in rural South Carolina.
It was a simple life.  My family lived on a farm.
We didn't have tons of money, but we got by.
I encountered the occasional bullying through middle and high school, but I managed to come out relatively unscathed.

But, now this redneck Senator from South Carolina is embarrassing all sane southerners...

Read the full story here:
Senator aids bigots in El Salvador

Honestly, how do wingnuts like this hold down a job...let alone being elected to public office!

This guy honestly thinks that Gays and Lesbians are the root of all evil...and are now spreading their "agenda" to poor, defenseless foreign countries like El Salvador.  

He's got to save them from the evil fairies!  MORON!  
It's that old "methinks he doth protest too much" adage...you know we'll hear of a sex scandal one day with this wingnut and some underage senate page.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Are you eating real food?

When you visit a fast food restaurant, or purchase something from a grocery store, are you certain that the ingredients are actually food?
Are you?

The truth is, many foods contain powdered cellulose, or WOOD PULP!
This is used as a filler and extender for many processed foods...AND, it is approved by the FDA!

Read the story here, with a list of foods containing wood pulp:

When I read the list, I was shocked to see that I had, in fact, consumed some of these products!  I felt sick to my stomach!
And, how can the FDA actually approve companies to use WOOD in their foods!

Be smart...check your food labels before making your purchase.  
If you see anything in the ingredients like cellulose gum, powdered cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, etc., don't buy those products!

Eat smart, eat healthy, EAT SAFE!

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Benetton ads

A man walks past the Benetton store in Rome
The new Benetton ad campaign is generating lot's of anger (and interest).
The ads are edited photographs of world leaders kissing...to promote the idea of peace on earth.
Granted, they are using their images without permission, so I can understand that.
But, I don't see why there is such an uproar about them...
I like seeing men kiss :)
Of course, no one (in America anyway) has had much interest in Benetton.  
So, this ad campaign is brilliant!  It gets a whole bunch of free advertising for Benetton, with all the news stories, comments from the men in the photos, etc.
Bravo, Benetton marketing dept., Bravo!

What do you think?

  253260_Holiday 2011 300x250

Salvation Army does not support equality

"Scripture forbids sexual intimacy between members of the same sex.  The Salvation Army believes, therefore, that Christians whose sexual orientation is primarily or exclusively same-sex are called upon to embrace celibacy as a way of life.  There is no scriptural support for same-sex unions as equal to, or as an alternative to, heterosexual marriage."

When will people realize that the bible was written by a group of MEN, who were bishops at the time.  
The Council of Nicea met in 325 AD (300 years after Jesus' death), this council was called by the Emperor Constantine.  
These men chose which writings from Jesus' followers would be used in the bible (several were thrown out, because they did not portray Jesus as "divine" enough), and they also picked the dates for all the religious holidays.  
Just think about it, 325 AD, a group of middle-aged men, of course the Bible is going to be conservative by today's standards.  People just need to stop hiding behind the Bible...it has alot of good in it, but it is not the law of the world.

Here is my suggestion...If you are looking to support an organization, don't drop your change in those annoying bell-ringers with the red buckets, and don't donate anything to their thrift stores.  
Find an organization that truly supports equality and non-discrimination.
The YMCA does a great deal of good work, and they welcome everyone.  But, check your local YMCA...as they can differ on levels of acceptance.
The United Way and the red Cross are also a good alternative...
but, if you support equality and acceptance, avoid the Salvation Army at all costs!

253260_Holiday 2011 300x250

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protests

More than 200 protesters were arrested across the country today as the Occupy Wall Street movement tried to shut down major financial venues.

Read the full story here:
Occupy Wall Street protests

Honestly, I think that many people in this movement are just caught up in the idea of protesting something.  I'll bet if you asked half of them what they were protesting for, they couldn't tell you!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Petition against the Kardashians

don't like her!
So, now it seems there is a petition, website, and facebook page...all to get the Kardashians off of TV, and out of our lives.

Read the full story here:
Haters Kardashian petition

Apparently, the originator of the petition feels that the Kardashian girls are a bad influence on young girls, and that people look to them as role models.  And, with her recent "marriage", she shows that she is not fit to be a role model for anyone.  I would agree, but she''s not the first hollywood skank to be a bad influence...and she won't be the last.
like him a little bit more
I have to say though, I wouldn't shed a tear if the show was off the air, and I never have to hear about Kim or Khloe ever again!  They really do induce the most violent form of nausea imaginable.

I must admit, after watching "Dancing with the Stars", I've grown to like Rob Kardashian a little bit more.

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Coach makes racist comments

A Kansas City high school coach is under fire for making racists remarks.  Remarks that, after alleged 2 years of harassment, were caught on tape by one of his students.  The full news story is below.

Wow...I don't understand how some of these people were able to secure jobs as teachers and coaches.    It boggles the mind...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Subway violence

This is absolutely disgusting!

It is really sad that this is the type of thing that happens in the world today.
How is it funny to approach someone waiting for a train, and punch them?

I mean, were they taught anything as children?  
I'm gonna say it...ghetto pieces of sh*t 

I'm not a violent person, but these are the type of people that I say deserve a taste of their own medicine.
Maybe someone should just walk up to them on the subway platform, pull out a gun and shoot them.  Man, I'll bet that would be funny.

I hope that victim presses charges, and presses HARD!

See the video, and read the full story here 
(warning, this contains graphic content):

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Fair play?

This picture is meant to be funny.
But, it really makes a strong point.
The catholic church has been riddled with scandals very similar to the one currently taking place at Penn State.
It certainly makes you think...why wasn't there the same sort of fevered frenzy around the church when a similar scandal occurred?  
Why weren't multiple church leaders forced out of their positions as they were at Penn State?

Things that make you go hmmmmm.....

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Michele Bachman: a bad lip reading

OK...this is freakin' funny!  And, she is crazy enough that you can almost believe she'd say it too!


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Penn State Paterno firing

Whoa!  The excrement is really hitting the fan at Penn State!

Penn State reacts to firing
First, the Sandusky scandal emerges, and Curley steps down.
Then, a laundry list of other higher-ups are fired or step down.
And, Joe Paterno is fired...resulting in chaos at Penn State.

Now, Ashton Kutcher is getting railed by putting in his 2 cents.

I'm still looking at all the infomation, so I'm far from an expert in any of this.  But, from what I've read so far, it seems that Paterno followed state protocol in this scandal. 
When, he learned of the issue, he reported the issue to the school administrator (Curley).  So, I don't understand the reason for his firing. 
But, maybe that's it...maybe Paterno, as head coach, was expected to take more of a leadership role in dealing with this scandal.

It seems to me that Curley, and other administrators, did not properly handle the situation.  Even if Paterno took the easy way out by reporting it to someone else, the administrators, to which it was reported, to chose to cover it up.

Whoa...I guess the moral to this story is...
keep it in your pants while you're at work!

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

DOMA: bad for business

Seventy major US corporations issued a brief to the US Courts, claiming that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is harmful to commerce.

Read the full story here:
DOMA bad for business

There are some major heavy-hitters on the list.  While they may not truly support homosexuality or gay marriage, I'm glad they at least realize that they are hurting their bottom-line by singling out GLBTQ folks.

We all have money to spend...hail the almighty dollar!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

America's youngest gay mayor

Holyoke, Massachusetts elected it's first gay mayor...Alex Morse.  And, he's 22 years old!
Bravo, Holyoke...Bravo!

Read the full story here:

This is very promising...now, if only a much larger part of the country would be as open-minded, and forward-thinking as the northeast, we'd be back in business!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Atheism: good for America?

A recent study showed that 1 in 4 young people do not associate with any organized religion.

Read the full story here:
Atheism in millenials

As someone that was raised Southern Baptist 
(I am now a recovering Southern Baptist), I can absolutely relate to the young folks in the survey.  
The religious zealots I encountered while growing up certainly made me realize how crazy, and out of touch they really were!

The whole concept of "you're wrong, I'm right...and I'm better than you" is a huge turnoff.

The unfortunate thing is that the extreme religious zealot is still what we see too much of on television, and in politics.

Because, let's face it...crazy is good TV!

Anti-Gay pastor asks forgiveness

I love it!  I love it, I love it, I love it!

It is always the holier-than-thou, more-moral-than-you, jerks that are the most deviant of them all!

A New Orleans pastor was caught masturbating in a public CHILDREN'S park, and now he's asking the gay community for forgiveness.

After the years of protesting Southern Decadence and generally condemning all homosexuals, he is now saying he's addicted to porn...and asks everyone to forgive him.  

Read the full story here:
Anti-Gay pastor asks forgiveness

My grandmother always taught me to forgive and forget...
nah, I don't think that will hold true for this one...sorry Grandma!

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Penn State sex scandal

There are over 40 counts of child sex abuse against former Defense Coordinator Jerry Sandusky.

Read the full story here:
Penn State sex scandal

Why is it the old, conservative men that get into these situations? 
It seems that these conservative, usually very outspoken against homosexuality, men are always the ones caught in an airport bathroom or fondling boys in the shower!

The worst thing, in my opinion, is that he created a mentoring program for young boys...and has been doing that ever since he retired from Penn State.

Now, maybe he has been doing good for these boys that need mentors.  But, you can't help but wonder if this was all done just to keep him close to all those young bucks...just saying.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Best cities to be car free

San Francisco tops the list of best cities to live without a car.

Read the full story here:

I would agree with most of the cities listed.  But, I can't believe that Chicago wasn't listed in the top 10.
I don't own a car and get around Chicago quite easily.  
So, I would have to somewhat disagree with this list.
I would also argue that Washington DC should be listed.  The Metro is a great way to get around the DC area.
And LA is #9...really??!!??  LA is so spread out that it is nearly impossible to get around without a car!

I respectfully disagree!

Americas dirtiest cities

Los Angeles Traffic
A recent Forbes article listed the dirtiest cities on America.

Read the full story here:
Americas dirtiest cities

Based on this list, it looks like California is a pretty filthy place!

I'd rather hit the Caribbean any day!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Gay vs Kardashian Marriage?

I think this picture says it all!

I realize that not everyone had the same sort of upbringing as I did.  But, I still believe that everyone deserves the same rights.

My grandmother always taught me "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander"...meaning if my sister can't have it, neither can I.

I think this falls along the same lines.  
It's true, either of the folks in couple #2 could go out tomorrow and get married...and make a mint on it by making a documentary TV special.

But, couple #1 can't even place an announcement in the local paper??

I know I'm going to sound like my grandfather, but I don't care...
What the hell has the world come to!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Michigan passes anti-gay bullying law

The Senate in Michigan passed a law that basically makes it ok for bullying, as long as it has a religious or moral basis.

Read the full story here:  Michigan legalizes anti-gay bullying

I am appalled that our so-called "leaders" actually believe this is acceptable! 
Who elected these morons?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Public Transportation

I'm not sure about other large metropolitan areas... 
But, in Chicago, the bus is a non-stop source or entertainment.

Whether you're in the mood for comedy, drama, action and adventure, or downright horror...Chicago Transit Authority has got your covered!

Today, on my way home from work, a very large man (who smelled like a horse stable) was spouting obscenities at the top of his lungs.

Honestly, this man was non-stop...like an auctioneer, a loud, foul-mouthed auctioneer.  

Apparently, from what I could gather from the mostly incoherent babble, there was some sort of incident today with his "punk ass ghetto bitch of a boss".

I can only hope that he has a better day at work tomorrow.  Wait, scratch that!  I hope he doesn't...I rather enjoy the live show I get on the way home from work..for free no less! 

The CTA...two enthusiastic thumbs up, a must see!

Republican Presidential Nominees

I don't think I need to say anything more...the picture below absolutely says it all!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Anchor comes out

A news anchor comes out while talking about recently-out actor Zachary Quinto

Read the full story here: Anchor comes out

I think this is fabulous!  More young people with influence should do this...let the kids in the world know that IT GETS BETTER, and suicide is not the answer!

Chaz Bono

Chaz Bono was on Anderson Cooper recently discussing his life, and recent experiences on Dancing with the stars.  During the interview, he received a surprise phone call from his mom...CHER!

Cher was not happy with what she called "gratuitous rudeness" from the judges towards Chaz. 
I do think a couple of Bruno's comments were borderline rude.  But, many times the judges were supportive and uplitfing of Chaz...even when his dancing technique was lacking.

The video of Cher and Chaz on Anderson is below...
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Kim Kardashian divorce

Shocking news! 
Kim Kardashian's marriage lasted longer than Britney Spears!

Kris Humphries has claimed that he found out through TMZ instead of actually hearing it from his wife.

Read the full article here: Kris Humphries blinsided

I do feel sorry for the husband though.  He does not deserve to be treated like a pawn, or (gasp) personal assistant.
He's hot enough that he'll have no trouble finding another skank, er, I mean girl to date/marry.

Honestly, is anyone surprised? I mean, really surprised?

You know that she is such a fame whore that she would never settle for being a happy housewife...or athletes wife.

This is yet another way for her to try and stay in the headlines..for someone that should have never been in the headlines to begin with.  I mean, how is it that you can become world famous for making a sex tape?

She's famous for having her cooch stuffed by Ray J, and filming it for all to see...how does that translate into endorsement deals, and your own TV show?

But, it seemed to work for Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian...maybe I'm missing something.  Thank God Paris is no longer all over the headlines...hopefully Kim will follow suit one day VERY soon!

And, this type of behavior is considered acceptable...but the idea of gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of marriage...GIVE ME A F-ING BREAK!

Prince William and Kate Middleton

The newspaper reported today that Prince William and Kate Middleton have received 60,000 cards and letters from the public since they announced their engagement a year ago.  It was also reported that "everyone gets a reply if there is a return address".

That's alot of cards!  I'm sure the staff of minions that are doing the responding are not happy about having that job!