Welcome to Urban Debris

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog!

This blog serves as a forum for me to be silly, impolite, politically incorrect, and express my thoughts and frustrations.
The content of this page is not intended to insult, anger, instigate, or otherwise irritate anyone.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy my posts.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Hollywood closet

Luke Evans came out as a gay actor in 2002.  But, since becoming involved in more big-screen blockbusters, he has been forced back into the closet.

Read the full story here: Luke Evans: Out then In

I can certainly understand the pressure under young hollywood.  These guys and girls work for years to get that one big break, so many of them would gladly hide anything to keep the momentum going.

It does anger me that hollywood, of all places, would still encourage this kind of dishonesty.  What do you think?

Dancing with the stars

Happy Halloween!
It was a halloween special on Dancing with the Stars tonight...
Yes, there were cheesy costumes, and some cheesy choreography and staging.  But, there were also a few moments of really good dancing!
Ricki Lake did a fantastic job!  As did (surprisingly) Rob Kardashian...his time on the show is lasting longer than his sisters marriage.
I really think Nancy Grace's dance partner is totally cute...and I actually think Rob K is pretty cute too!
Based on the dances tonight, I'll bet that either Nancy Grace or Hope Solo are going to to home tomorrow night...We'll see how accurate I am tomorrow.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


The note in the photo was distributed at a halloween parade this weekend in Illinois.

I wish I could say this was shocking...but, the fact that this type of bigotry and ignorance is still prevalent makes my stomach turn!

This person clearly has no idea what religion truly is...except for a way to express judgement toward others.

What is comical to me is that the note says "they will have messages about tolerance, diversity, equality, respect, and acceptance"...isn't that what you should be teaching in any religion?

Honestly, how closed-minded can you get?  I mean...reading this letter, as it speaks of respect and equality, how could someone hand this out in a crowd and actually think this was acceptable, or fitting of any religion?

I know that all religion, or all religious people don't think or feel this way...but it really makes me sad to know that so many of these small-minded bigots still exist in modern society.  And, that they are making such an effort to spread their hatred and ignorance to anyone that will listen.

But, what is a comforting thought to me is, when the judgement does come...this person is going to be shocked to learn that they are the biggest sinner of them all!

Bank card fees

There was a news article this morning about large banks having second thoughts about charging fees for debit card usage.  This comes a month after customer outrage over charges introduced by Bank of America.

Article: Big banks card fees

You'd think that banks (and all large institutions) would have learned a valuable lesson from the recent NetFlix falloutMore than 800,000 customers left NetFlix after their excessive and unnecessary price increase.
It just shows that consumers are not going to take these nickel-and-dime policies any longer.  Our money is too precious to keep whittling away with these little charges.

This is the way to do it!  Instead of occupying anywhere, occupy your own finances and show the large businesses that you'll go elsewhere if you're not happy with their practices.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pandora Boxx

Season 4 of Rupaul's Drag Race begins in a few months!
I've loved all of the seasons so far.  I've had alot of favorites, but I think my favorite (to date) is Pandora Boxx!  
She is funny, and doesn't seem to take herself too seriously.  
Several of the show's queens have gone on to release dance music.  
Some of the songs have been pretty good (Nina Flowers, Sahara Davenport), and some of the "songs" have been downright awful (Bebe Zahara Benet, Raja Gemini).  I think Bebe's "I'm the shit" is easily the worst song ever recorded...with her barely even talking over the dance beat.  Awful!
Pandora, in her usual quirky way, has released her own song...poking fun at the whole notion.  
I think it is priceless...have a look for yourself, the video is below.

America's best downtowns

It's time for a little civic pride!

Yahoo travel and Forbes magazine recently listed the American cities with the best downtown areas...and Chicago was #1!  Woo Hoo!

You may or may not agree, but I was happy that my city is recognized...it really is a beautiful downtown area.

Click below for the full article:
Americas best downtowns 

What's your pick for the best downtown?

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Ghostly evidence

Happy Halloween weekend everyone!
How about a little clip of ghostly evidence caught on tape.  Ghost Hunters is one of my favorite shows!  Enjoy!

Subscribe to USA TODAY

Creepy celebrities

E-Poll Market Research recently conducted a poll of the creepiest celebrities. 

Marilyn Manson topped the list.
Here's the rest:
2. Casey Anthony
3. O.J. Simpson
4. Spencer Pratt
5. Nadya "Octomom" Suleman
6. Charlie Sheen
7. Eliot Spitzer
8. Woody Allen
9. Tim Burton
10. Jesse James

I'm not sure if I would call some of these listed "celebrities"...and I would definitely have to add Russell Brand to my personal list.
Who's on your creepy celebrity list?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kelly Clarkson is not gay

Article: Kelly Clarkson is not gay

I, for one, never thought she was...but MAN, I am glad we cleared that up!
I'm SURE that this is not just marketing to get her in the headlines and promote her new album...no one would do that, would they?

Tattooed, pink-haired Barbie

Tokidoki Tattoo barbie

There is a new Barbie doll out and about...Tokidoki Barbie.
Apparently,  some parents are all up in arms about it...saying that it is inappropriate for children and that it "teaches kids to want tattoos before they are old enough to dress like that".

What rock have you been living under!

Turn on nearly any TV channel today and you'll see at least a dozen scantilly clad skanks parading around in front of your children. 
Nearly every female pop star today has at least one tattoo, and wears glorified napkins when they are out in public!

While parents are gleefully watching episodes of the "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" or "Jersey Shore", that certainly doesn't promote poor behavior and judgement to their kids.

But, clearly, this little piece of plastic is going to cause some serious problems.

Give me a break!  If you were truly a parent, you would be able to actually educate your child and raise them to make appropriate decisions. 
Barbie isn't the role model for your kids, you should be!

Geez, people!  Come on!  It really baffles me to know that there are people that actually think this way.

Am I the crazy one?  Do you see this as a bad influence, and inappropriate?

Kelly Clarkson's Stronger

Kelly Clarkson calls "Stronger" her best album

I'm excited to hear it!

Honestly, when she won Americal Idol (which I rarely watch) and released "Miss Independent", I wanted to vomit!
But, over the years she has won me over with catchy songs and lyrics...I do love a pop diva with a catchy tune!

I'm happy to see her back!  She had some rough times in recent years, most notably her public feud with music mogul Clive Davis.

The reviews are quite good for the new album!  Aside from herself, many critics are also calling this her best album to date.  I'm most excited about hearing "What doesn't kill you", because it is supposed to be a dancefloor STOMPER!

I do love a pop diva with a catchy tune...and a good 'ole stomp around the dancefloor!

ABC's Revenge

I have to say, I LOVE THIS SHOW!
When I first saw the previews, I didn't think much of it besides, "meh, it's worth a look"

This show totally drew me in! 
I love the story, about a girl seeking revenge in the posh Hamptons.
There are several bitchy (male and female) characters. 
It reminds me of the "old school" shows like Dynasty, Dallas, and Falcon Crest...maybe that's why I like it so much.
I love watching Emily take down a new character each week, as retribution for her father...GO GIRL!
And, Madeline Stowe as the bitchy Queen-of-the-Hamptons Victoria Grayson is simply fabulous!
I can just see her in a hair-pulling, throw-each-other-in-the-pool fight with Joan Collins.

If you haven't seen "Revenge" yet, I highly recommend it...good story about revenge, and all its' trials...bitchy and fabulous!

Boys in Girls Scouts?

There is a news article today about a 7 year old boy that wants to join the girl scouts.


I honestly don't know how I feel about this. 
I mean, if the little guy feels he wants to be a girl, his parents should respect and nurture him. 
But, at the same time, there is a group called Adventure Scouts...they allow boys and girls to join, and were created so that anyone would be welcome.
Why drag this child through the media mud just to make this point?

I understand the cause for the fight, but I'm not sure if it is wise for the child.

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Anti-Gay group exposed!

I love that Rachel Maddow is exposing this group!
How devious and underhanded can you get!!??!!
These groups will stop at nothing to make people see it their way! 

Pixie Lott!

I've been a fan of Pixie Lott for quite some time.
This British pop princess can turn out some catchy tunes!
This is her new song "What do you take me for"...the Bimbo Jones remix.


You can see the weekly top ten videos on www.topdancevideos.com


Epstein join Cubs

Theo Epstein

The Chicago Cubs formerly introduced Theo Epstein to Cubs Nation this week.

This man is HOT!

I know he doesn't "play for my team", but this guy melts my butter!

He just might make me become a baseball fan...GO CUBS!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Home Cookin'

What is SHOULD look like!
Quite often, I'll see something on either Food Network or the Cooking Channel, and think to myself "I'm going to try and make that".

This past weekend, I was watching a show that featured great bakeries around the US...and the idea to make my own bagels was born!

I thought..."how difficult could it be?  It is only 4 ingredients, and I've been successful with my past baking adventures.

The first batch, to be honest, were giant, dense, hockey pucks!
In making bagels, you have to boil them prior to baking.  I knew when they sank to the bottom of the pot during boiling that I was in trouble!
While the taste was not too bad, the texture and density left something to be desired.

So, I decided to try again...a few hours later.
The second batch, while nowhere near perfect, were actually much better than the first.
They floated during boiling (score), and came out of the oven actually resembling bagels (woo hoo)!
They were still a little dense, but I think I'm on the right track.

So, until my next cooking inspiration hits from TV, I'll keep trying to perfect my bagel baking skills.  Maybe there's a bakery in my future...who am I kidding, I can barely get out of bed by 8am!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Occupy Chicago arrests

Occupy Chicago overnight arrests
130 persons were arrested on Saturday night in Chicago after they refused to leave Grant Park after it closed.  This same scenario happened the previous Saturday evening.

In the Chicago Red Eye today, one of the protestors was quoted..."This is an attack on the core of what it means to be an American Citizen.  We condemn gross violation of the human rights of those arrested."


Now, I'm not going to delve into my opinions of the Occupy Everywhere protests.  But seriously, come on people! 
Anyone that lives in Chicago knows that ALL PUBLIC PARKS CLOSE AT 11PM.  Also, the protestors were warned by police twice each evening prior to making the arrests.  They were given plenty of notice, and knew exactly what was coming.
Just because you are trying to protest a cause you believe in doesn't mean that you can get away with breaking the law!  How the hell is this a gross violation of your rights? 

No matter where you are a citizen, you are expected to follow the laws set forth by that community.  If you choose to break the law, you face the consequences.
I can't believe the idiocy of the person quoted in the paper.  Just because you don't get your way, it is a violation of your rights...GEEZ, grow up you spoiled brat!

What are your thoughts?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Purple spirit day

Millions of Americans wear purple on Spirit Day as a sign of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth and to speak out against bullying. 
Spirit Day was started in 2010 by teenager Brittany McMillan as a response to the young people who had taken their own lives. Observed annually on October 20, individuals, schools, organizations, corporations, media professionals and celebrities wear purple, which symbolizes spirit on the rainbow flag. 
Getting involved is easy -- participants are asked to simply "go purple" on October 20 as we work to create a world in which LGBT teens are celebrated and accepted for who they are.

In honor of the kids who are no longer with us.  
I am continually saddened by the number of suicides due to bullying.
I was bullied back in the 80's for being different and effeminate in rural South Carolina.  It was hell on earth, and I could not get out of there fast enough.
Today, it seems the bullying has gotten worse, and some youth are having trouble dealing with the stress.  And, many of them don't have the option of leaving, or have a support network to help them work through it all.
Let's all do our part to help our troubled youth...let them know

Gadhafi dead

Breaking news...

Moammar Gadhafi has been killed in a raid in Libya.  This brings an end to more than 40 years of tyranny and terrorism.
Perhaps I've seen too many movies...but, I can't help but wonder, was our government involved?
I mean...we've heard the tales of how we snuck in, under cover of darkness, and dispensed of Osama Bin Laden.  Who's to say that we weren't involved in this situation...it seems very similar to me.
But, If the US is involved, I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing.  We need to stop tap dancing, and pussyfooting around. 
For far too long, everyone has been afraid to say or do anything for fear of pissing off someone, or some faction.
This man was a dictator that murdered nearly as many people as Osama Bin Laden.  Whoever was involved in this slaying...this bringing of justice...I say BRAVA!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Farewell Sweet Carson!

Farewell sweet Carson!
Miss you already!

Carson Kressley was eliminated from Dancing with the stars last night!
While it wasn't a shocking elimination, he will surely be missed.
Truly, his technique was pretty darn awful...but he was quite frankly the most entertaining of all the contestants.  
Honestly, I'm surprised that Chaz Bono is still on the show as well.  But, I'm happy that he has enough fans and supporters to keep him around week after week.  I dare say he won't be around much longer though.

But, back to Carson...I'll truly miss his spirit and freedom on the show.
I'm sure some people are bothered by his overt femininity out in middle america...but, I can honestly say that he makes me feel proud to be a gay man...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

American entitlement

I recently took a vacation to San Juan, Puerto Rico.
It was the most beautiful place!  Old San Juan is just gorgeous, with the old buildings, forts, and the gorgeous Caribbean sea as the backdrop.
I was fortunate enough to stay at the Ritz Carlton in what's called the "resort area" of San Juan.
Of course, the Ritz Carlton is beautiful and well-appointed.  The staff at the hotel, and really all over the city, were so friendly and accommodating.  Not to mention, the men in San Juan are DELICIOUS!

But, one thing that really bothered me was the way some of the American visitors were treating the folks working at the hotel.  I witnessed some terribly obnoxious behavior towards the hotel staff.  
There were many instances that I wanted to walk up to someone and slap them. I was embarrassed at the level of rudeness and entitlement they were displaying.
I mean, come on, just because you are on vacation...and can afford to stay at the Ritz, doesn't mean that the employees are your personal servants.
Maybe it's my upbringing...I grew up in rural South Carolina, in the 80's.  I was taught that you always say please and thank you, and that things aren't always going to go your way.  So, I am always shocked at how some people think the way they act is ok.

I'll definitely return to San Juan.  But, perhaps next time I'll stay at a more moderately priced hotel...along with the "little people".

Monday, October 17, 2011

Marilyn Monroe visits Chicago!

There is a new art installment on Michigan Avenue...
Forever Marilyn.
She has already caused quite a bit of controversy...and I really can't understand why.

Some people are complaining that it is vulgar and distasteful...
REALLY!?!  This is distasteful?  I'll bet you think the Kardashians would be fun at bible study too, huh?

What IS distasteful is how some men are acting underneath her skirt. Come on guys!  
You're businessmen in downtown Chicago.  Control yourselves and stop acting like drunken fratboys at a Cubs game!

I think it is beautiful...and the many visitors to Chicago are flocking to check out Marilyn.  Maybe that was the whole point...create a controversy so that people would come visit, and spend money.  Ahh, marketing at its' finest!

What are your thoughts?  Do you think this sculpture is a thing of beauty?  Or, is it in bad taste?